Answers to your frequently asked questions about Child, Youth and Family Services.

Do Kalwun do School Holiday Cultural Programs?

Yes Kalwun facilitates cultural school holiday programs. Priority will go to the families that attend and support Kalwun programs. There is a limit on how many can attend and spaces are filled up quickly.

Kalwun also owns and runs Jellurgal Aboriginal Cultural Centre which runs cultural experiences for families during school holiday periods. Head to their website for more information on the ‘Little Explorers’ experience.

Do you have to be Aboriginal to attend cultural programs?

If your family is working with Kalwun Child, Youth and Family Services Programs, their family will be prioritised to attend. However, Kalwun’s Cultural division Jellurgal Aboriginal Cultural Centre, offers guided cultural tours of the magical mountain, Jellurgal (Burleigh Headland) Contact Jellurgal Aboriginal Cultural Centre, 1711 Gold Coast Hwy, Burleigh Heads, Phone 07 5525 5955 or visit

I have been asked by a local family member about the meanings for the names of our suburbs. Who can assist me with this?

Please contact the Yugambeh Museum, Language and Heritage Research Centre. Email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or Phone (07) 3807 6155.

You can also make enquiries to Yugambeh Region Aboriginal Corporation Alliance (YRACA). Email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or go to

I am developing a Reconciliation Action Plan (RAP), is Kalwun able to provide assistance?

For assistance with RAPs, please contact the Yugambeh Region Aboriginal Corporation Alliance (YRACA). Email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or go to

How long does the assessment to become a carer take?

The carer assessment process can take up to 12 months. We need to ensure our carers have the right training and support to be equipped for challenges they may face and to safeguard matching the most suitable foster carer with the right child for placement within their family and home.

Do you have to be Indigenous to be a Kalwun Carer?

No, but there are cultural components that you will need to meet, including cultural training.

Who can be a Foster Carer?
  • Singles with or without children.
  • Couples with or without children.
  • Same sex singles with or without children.
  • Same sex couples with or without children.
Do I need to give up my job to be a Carer?


Do I need a blue card to be a Carer?

Yes. A Blue Card must be obtained before you can become a Carer under the “no card no start” laws.

How old do you need to be to participate in your youth program?

The eligibility for the Kalwun Youth Wellbeing Program is from 10-17 years.

How do I refer for a client/child to participate in the program?

Please contact Kalwun Child, Youth and Family Services on 07 5520 8600 to request a referral form.

What do your youth workers offer?

Our Youth workers will develop an Action Plan with the referred child to determine what levels of support are required. We can refer to relevant services and also offer activities, programs and camps.

Is there a waiting list ?

Yes. Once a child is referred to the Youth Wellbeing Program, the Program Manager will complete an intake and triage the referral. The referrals are categorised into High, Medium and Low level support and are allocated on a needs basis. Youth that are on the waitlist can be invited to our programs and camps even if they have not been allocated a Youth Worker for individual support.

How do you enrol in the Early Learning Program?

Contact the Indigenous Education Team at Kalwun Child, Youth and Family Services - Burleigh on 07 5520 8600. A staff member will complete an expression of interest form with you, your name will be placed on a waitlist and you will be contacted when our information sessions and applications open in Term 4.

How many children are in each class in the Early Learning Program?

The Kalwun Early learning Program operates as a standalone service, meaning that four children are permitted to attend each day. There is one teacher and one teacher aide working with the group of four children each day. This way we are able to provide an intensive learning environment to support each child’s individual learning needs.

What are the daily fees to attend the Early Learning Program?

There is no charge to attend the Kalwun Early Learning Program.

Who is eligible to attend the Early Learning Program?

Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander children 3-5 years. Priority placement is given to children in out of home care, vulnerable children and those commencing Prep the following year.

Who can come to your Jarjums Playgroup and how do we enrol?

Our playgroup is open to all families with children 0-5 years. Contact our playgroup facilitator on 07 5520 8600 and they will book you in.

What are your program hours?

Jarjums Playgroup

  • Mondays 10am-12pm at Burleigh (Currently relocated as of February 2025) - contact Leilani Summers on 07 55 208 600 for more information or to register your interest.
  • Thursdays 10am-12pm at Coomera

Early Learning Program

  • Wednesday - Friday,  9.30am-2.30pm at Currumbin
  • Tuesday - Friday at Burleigh (currently relocated, contact Cindy Brooks on 0447 205 717 for further information)
  • Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday, Fri 9.30-2.30pm at Coomera


What is FPP?

FPP is the Family Participation Program. We are independent of Child Safety and can support Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Families to participate in decision-making about their children.

How can FPP support me and my family?

Kalwun’s Family Participation Program can help families who are involved with Child Safety to put plans in place around how we can keep our children safe. We can also work with families around identifying supports they may need.

How can I get referred to Kalwun’s FPP?

You can request Child Safety to make a referral to our program or you or your family can call our FPP Team on 07 5520 8600.

How can FPP make sure that Child Safety take into consideration our Children’s cultural needs for example connection to family, community and culture?

The Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Child Placement Principles recognise the importance of connections to family, community, culture and country in Child Protection legislation, policy and practice.

Child Safety are required to undertake active efforts in ensuring that they are meeting the Five Core Placement Principles being Prevention, Partnership, Connection, Participation and Placement. For example, Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander families are provided the opportunity to participate in family led decision making and that our children maintain their connection to family, community, culture and country.

What are my rights when dealing with Child Safety?

As soon as Child Safety become involved with your family it is important that you seek legal advice. Having a lawyer can help with giving you legal advice and support, negotiating with Child Safety, and representing you in meetings and at Children’s Court if required.

You can request the involvement of Kalwun Family Participation Program to support your family in decision making for your children. We can assist you to make sure that any decisions that are being made have a focus on the strengths of your family as well as connection to culture.

Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander children and families also have a right to an Independent Person (IP)/Independent Entity(IE). The IP/IE can support you when you are dealing with Child Safety to ensure that discussions are culturally safe and culturally respectful. This can include home visits, meetings and Children’s Court. You can ask Child Safety not to progress with a Home Visit or Meeting without your IP/IE present. Kalwun FPP can help you find someone to be your IP/IE.

Does your program provide financial assistance with paying for school uniforms, booklist and school fees?

We can offer some financial support however this is based on each individual’s current situation

Does Kalwun have housing?

Kalwun does have affordable long-term housing for our Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander families, however we do not have emergency housing. Kalwun Head Office can provide an application form, Proof of Aboriginality is required.

Does Kalwun give out petrol vouchers?

No, we do not issue petrol vouchers.


Does your program support people to apply for a Domestic Violence Order (DVO) or offer support at court?

Yes, we have a support worker that can assist you with applying for a DVO and can offer continued support throughout the whole process which includes attending court to provide emotional and advocacy support.

Do you offer counselling?

We are not counsellors, but we can assist you with the appropriate referral pathways to link you and your family with counsellors or psychologists.

Does your program have accommodation for families that are escaping Domestic and Family Violence ?

No, Kalwun does not have emergency accommodation, however our program can support you and your family to navigate through the complex system and advocate for you to find you and your family crisis accommodation.

I am a social worker/social work student, I would like to know what services you provide and the referral process for external agencies like us if we have clients who need assist with related issues.

Kalwun can assist with your enquiry. Please contact Kalwun’s Cultural Support and Events Officer on 0437 946 496.

Can you help me with Home Care Packages?

Please contact Kalwun’s Community Care Service on 07 5522197.

We are being evicted, can Kalwun provide emergency housing?

Kalwun does not provide emergency housing however, if you are a client of Kalwun’s Family Wellbeing Service, please contact us for assistance. If you are now a Kalwun client, your best option is to call Homelessness Connect at Bilinga to inform them of your housing situation and request a case worker.

We are currently living in Social Housing and would like a transfer, as we now have more children and the house is too small and crowded. How do we do this?

You will need to contact the Department of Housing and apply for a housing transfer. If you are a Kalwun FWB client, your Kalwun Family Wellbeing Case Worker can advocate on your behalf to the Department of Housing.

What is Adolescent to Parent Violence (APV) and do you offer support for parents that might be experiencing APV?

Adolescent-to-parent abuse is any behaviour used by a young person to control, dominate or coerce parents. It is intended to threaten and intimidate and puts family safety at risk. Our program supports parents that are experiencing APV by engaging with the young person to establish a strength-based healing plan and education around healthy relationships.

Does Kalwun have a Paediatrician?

Yes, Kalwun’s Health Service has a Paediatrician. A referral can also be made to a paediatrician of your choice through your GP.

Does Kalwun provide financial support for food?

Kalwun can provide frozen meals and vouchers to vulnerable families who are being supported by us, however this is based on each individual’s current situation.

Do you provide food assistance for someone who is not a current client?

No, Kalwun does not provide assistance for people who are not current clients. We recommend calling homeless hotline (1800 474 753) or St Vincent de Paul (1800 846 643) for food parcels near you.

Does your program assist with fuel vouchers?

No, Kalwun does not provide fuel vouchers.

Does your program assist with securing housing?

Kalwun’s Family Wellbeing Service can assist with the application process to the Department of Housing. Once this is submitted, referrals can be made to other housing organisations.

Does your program offer support for family law court?

Kalwun does not offer support with Family Law court, we recommend you contact Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Legal Services.


Kalwun acknowledges the various Traditional Custodians on whose land we meet, share, learn, work and live. We pay our respect to the Elders past, present and emerging and extend our respect to Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander people from all Nations of this land.

WARNING: Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander peoples should be aware that this website may contain images, voices or names of deceased persons in photographs, film, audio recordings or text.