Kalwun Development Corporation Ltd provides innovative and progressive services within a holistic framework. We provide assistance to all people however we primarily provide support, services and assistance to Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander individuals, their families and community in South East Queensland. Kalwun provides access to affordable housing, dental and medical services, health programs, home and aged care, family wellbeing, parenting and educational programs, foster and kinship care, cultural promotions and tours.
This policy outlines our commitment to provide quality services to our community.
Clients and Communities
We deliver high, professional, and culturally respectful services to the Community. Kalwun employs staff who specialise in the above key areas, and we work with specialists across these fields to provide a comprehensive holistic service. We also provide access to required resources to support Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples and communities in the South East Queensland area across their lifespan.
Service Delivery
The Kalwun team deliver culturally sensitive, high-quality services using an evidence-based model through a family centered approach with specific focus on prevention, early intervention, and continuous quality improvement.
Human Resources
We maintain a fair, supportive and innovative work environment enabling the recruitment and retention of a highly effective, culturally appropriate, well qualified, motivated, and passionate workforce supported through a culture of continual professional development, mentorship, and learning.
Financial Management
To identify and maintain access to funding opportunities and effectively and efficiently manage financial resources in a transparent, open and accountable way to maximise funding opportunities.
Management Systems
To effectively manage the business processes and address all relevant objectives of our management systems through systematic continuous quality improvement and an integrated risk management approach. Kalwun Development Corporation is compliant with Quality Management System ISO 9001:2015, with the exception of Design and Development of products as this is not applicable.
To conduct our business in an open, honest and transparent manner that enables the communities we serve to hold the company accountable through our elected community representatives on the Board and our clinical and corporate governance processes. To fulfil reporting commitments to funding bodies, regulatory authorities and our community.
Kalwun Development Corporation Ltd is committed to the provision of high quality, professional, culturally appropriate, and respectful services through effective management systems and processes.